Ven'anri Lyantha – VEN
Half miqo'te, half hyur
careless keeper of the moon
ul'dah colisseum entertainer

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀born to a gridanian miqo'te and an to an ul'dahn hyur, Ven learned of poverty at an early age. living near the outskirts of ul'dah, the family was constantly on the move until his father had taken matters into his own hands and began entertaining the city's colisseum visitors. with his father always away, ven grew up by his mother's side, protecting the two of them against the unjust and the ones that would often hurt both her and him for his mixed origins. one day, however, his father left the family, seeing further riches and fame, ultimately forcing ven to grow up faster than his mother had liked him to. hiding the connection that tied him to his father, ven joined the coliseum's fighters in order to provide for his mother.

literate and descriptive portrayal of a FFXIV original character.
portrayal contains serious and crack interactions, as well as canon and non-canon elements.

written by bird. 18+. they/them.

